What is accessibility?

Accessibility is making sure everyone, including people with disabilities, have access to the same information, services, and products.

Why is accessibility important?

The Web is an important resource in many aspects of our lives. It is important that that our website be accessible to everyone in order to provide equal access and equal opportunity to individuals with disabilities. 

Our goal

As an educational institution, we firmly believe in equal opportunities for all, and we are committed to making it as easy as possible for everyone in our community to find the information they need on our website. To help visitors with disabilities, our new site is designed to work better with many of the assistive tools used for browsing websites. If we design with accessibility in mind, then we can improve the experience for all users.

Our plan

We strive to achieve the recommendations of the published by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). We reference these guidelines to create web pages that successfully meet these requirements by using these techniques. This is an ongoing process and it is possible that some users may encounter problems accessing some pages or documents. If you find a page that isn’t accessible, please email marketingprojects@dean.edu

Best Practices

To learn accessibility basics, best practices and view a list of more resources, visit .