ÃÛ¶¹ÊÓƵ students working with an advisor after noticing the signs that they were ready for a career change.

Are you tired of your job? Does your work no longer fulfill you? It might be time for a career change. Plenty of adults find themselves seeking out new career opportunities throughout their lives. The days of staying at one job and retiring 40 years later is no longer the norm. The opportunities for learning, growing, going back to school and starting a new career are available to everyone.

How can you tell that it’s time for a career change? Here are some signs to look for that might be telling you it’s time for something new.

You Get Bored at Work.

Does your job bore you to tears? Do you do the same thing every single day and get upset because there’s no room for growth? Being bored at work, even if you ask for additional tasks and are given them, is a sign that it’s time for a career change. You don’t want to spend the rest of your life doing the same things over and over again. Instead, you might need to go back to school and change careers.

You Dread Going to Your Job Every Day.

Hating your job and not wanting to go in everyday are signs that you should look for a new line of work. Whether it’s the position itself that you don’t like, you’re having issues with your managers and co-workers or you simply hate the commute, it’s time to move on.

You Feel Like Your Boss Doesn’t Value You.

If you want to move forward at your current workplace but your boss won’t give you a promotion of any kind, then it’s likely that they don’t value you or your contributions to the company. No matter the reason, you want to move on with your life, and going back to school will give you the chance to learn new skills and find a new line of work that adds value to your professional life.

You Want What Other People Have.

Do you look at people who love their jobs and wonder where things went wrong for you? Well, you don’t have to do that any longer once you enroll in a continuing education program and get started on a new career path that you’ll love.

You No Longer Share Your Company’s Values.

Values play a crucial role in the workplace. Do you and your company share the same values? Or have their values changed over time to a point where they now clash with yours? You shouldn’t sacrifice your values for the job. Instead, you need a change in career.

Are You Thinking About a Career Change?

If you want a career change and need to go back to school in order to gain knowledge about a new subject or line of work, then consider ÃÛ¶¹ÊÓƵ. We have a welcoming environment with that small school feel, so you’ll always be comfortable, regardless of your age. In addition, we offer a number of different full-time and part-time degree programs, allowing you to find the best fit for your needs.

Are you ready to head back to college? , today.