ÃÛ¶¹ÊÓƵ Campus in the spring

When looking at colleges, you might shy away from the private schools, thinking that the costs outweigh the benefits. However, this line of thinking is incorrect, as attending a private college in Massachusetts is worth every penny. In addition to the fact that private universities often have larger endowments and provide plenty of need-based financial aid, bringing the price down somewhat, there are a number of other things that make these schools worthwhile. Here are some of the most important benefits of attending a private college in Massachusetts.

There’s a Higher Rate of Return for Graduates

According to the statistics, even though a private college costs more than a public one, the rate of return is higher over time. Yes, students who receive a degree from a public college earn more money over the course of their working years than those with just a high school diploma, but the earning potential of those who attend a private college is even more so. You get out what you put in, making the price of a private college well worth it.

Private Colleges Have Lower Student to Faculty Ratios

Larger schools, as expected, have a larger student to faculty ratio. This often leads to students falling through the cracks and ending up feeling more like numbers than individuals. At smaller schools, this isn’t the case at all. The student to faculty ratio is smaller, usually somewhere in the realm of 15 or 20 to 1, meaning that the everyone has a chance to get to know one another better. As a result, the students receive individualized attention from their professors and are afforded opportunities that larger schools may not offer.

More Opportunities for a Personalized Education

Speaking of opportunities, students at small, private colleges have the chance to receive a personalized education. They are usually able to create a major or program of their own; one that encompasses exactly what they need in order to have the career that they want once they graduate. Besides the gen eds that schools require, which don’t really change, the customization options are practically endless.

Small Schools Have Just as Many Activities as Large Ones

Many people equate large schools with never being bored on campus. They imagine that there are plenty of things to do while not in class or studying, and that’s true. These schools have a ton of activities. However, small schools do as well. From sporting events featuring to intramural sports where anyone can participate, there’s plenty of things to do. Other options, such as school-planned trips, concerts, and even arts performances are also available at small schools.

Looking for a Small Private College in Massachusetts? Consider ÃÛ¶¹ÊÓƵ!

Do you want to attend a small private college in Massachusetts? If this is the case, then look no further than ÃÛ¶¹ÊÓƵ. We have a wide variety of majors and certificate programs to choose from, as well as plenty of the activities to keep our students busy when they aren’t in class or working on assignments. With all of the advantages that a small school has to offer, ÃÛ¶¹ÊÓƵ might just be the right university for you. , today!