Hybrid college courses, like the ones offered here at ÃÛ¶¹ÊÓƵ, make it easy for busy adult students to earn a degree or certificate. However, in order to truly learn the material and walk away with all of the new knowledge presented to you, students must understand how to get the most out of their classes. It's possible to feel overwhelmed or as though you aren't truly learning as much as possible from a hybrid course. Here's what you can do to combat those feelings.

Take Notes

Taking notes seems like common sense when you're in a classroom and only get the hear the provided lecture once – live and in person. With a hybrid course, some of those lectures are presented online in a recorded format so that you can watch them on your own time. Unfortunately, some students listen to the lecture without absorbing all of the knowledge, because they know that they can watch it again and again. However, in order to save time and truly learn, you are better off taking notes during that recorded lecture, as writing things down helps you remember what's being said.

Participate as Much as Possible

The online portions of hybrid courses, like the business ones offered by ÃÛ¶¹ÊÓƵ, often include discussion boards that require at least one weekly main post in response to a prompt, as well as one or two replies to classmates in order to perpetuate the discussion. Rather than simply meeting that requirement and being done with it, add in as many comments as you'd like in order to interact with your classmates and learn more about their points of view.

Ask for Help If You Need It

With in-person classes, the professor is right there at the front of the room, easily accessible when you have a question. Since hybrid courses include plenty of time spent online only, students may feel awkward asking for help, as they need to send an email or make a phone call to the professor's office or cell phone number. With that said, if you have a question, you should ask it, no matter how you manage to get ahold of your professor, so they can provide clarity.

Stay Organized

Hybrid college courses require quite a bit of organizational skills, as students need to attend some sessions in person as well as balance online activities the rest of the time. By staying properly organized, no matter your chosen method, you'll get the most out of the course as you'll be able to meet your assignment deadlines and attend the lectures.

Turn Your Assignments in on Time

Finally, you need to turn all of your assignments in on time. Many hybrid college courses have online drop boxes and other methods of submitting papers that close up by a certain deadline. After that, you either need to contact your professor or simply not turn in the assignment, losing points in the process. By turning everything in by the deadline and always giving yourself a chance to earn full credit on assignments, you are doing your best.

With a little motivation, organization, and effort, you can make a hybrid college course a very rewarding experience that allows you some scheduling flexibility in your academic career and personal life.

Interested in learning more about our hybrid college course options? Contact us, today.