transformation tuesday graphic with photo of Mellissa H

Every week, we’re showcasing our graduating students as they prepare to say goodbye to Dean. On each #TransformationTuesday, you’ll get a before and after look at where they started vs. where they are now. Next up is Mellissa Healey '23, who is getting her bachelor’s degree in Dance and an associate degree in Sport Management.

Mel H. '23Q: How has your experience at Dean shaped you?

Mellissa: “My experience at Dean has shaped me to really grow into myself, become more social and to not be afraid to be outgoing and myself. I feel that at Dean I have grown more confident in myself and that’s how I got to be more involved and was elected as Vice President of involvement by the student body for student Government."

Q: What is your favorite memory from your time at Dean?

Mellissa: “Other than being able to escort Boomer to the Patriots draft party, my favorite memory is from freshman year and is during the New Dancer Showcase show on campus. I have so many videos of my friends and I getting ready and pumped up before the show. Now I look back and see that all those videos are with my current roommates who I live in the condos with!"

Q: How has Dean prepared you for the future?

Mellissa: "Dean has prepared me for my future by not being afraid to try new things and being open to every opportunity that comes my way. I have learned that not every path is straight forward, and every experience is something you can learn from which has brought me to where I am today!"