transformation tuesday graphic with photo of Zion H

Every week, we’re showcasing our graduating students as they prepare to say goodbye to Dean. On each #TransformationTuesday, you’ll get a before and after look at where they started vs. where they are now. Next up is Zion Hall '23, a Theatre major with a concentration in Musical Theatre.

Zion H. '23 Q: How has your experience at Dean shaped you?

Zion: To be honest my time at Dean has had many obstacles but I have always been able to push through and carry on. I am graduating from this college with a better sense of who I am and what I am capable of. 

Q: What is your favorite memory from your time at Dean?

Zion: My favorite memory from my time at Dean would have to be my experience as the assistant director of Mr. Burns: A Post Electric Play. Working alongside my mentor and professor and being pushed to new levels through a different lens has been the most fulfilling and rewarding experience I’ve had at Dean. I am truly thankful for that opportunity and the ability to take a step back and look at theatre from a completely different perspective.

Q: How has Dean prepared you for the future?

Zion: I have become a natural leader and very involved on several different levels through my experiences on and off stage and through being a peer advisor and the chair of marketing for the Black Student Union. I am truly prepared to take this world by storm, and I feel like my experiences at Dean have helped me work hard for the things I want and with the hard work and dedication which I plan to give, I feel very prepared for what life has in store.