What is Technical Theatre?

Not everyone who loves theatre wants to find themselves on stage. Many prefer to be behind the scenes, as part of the magic that makes a performance come to life before the audience’s eyes. For those who want a career in this particular segment of the performance, focusing on technical theatre as part of a bachelor’s degree program in theatre is often the best option.
So, what exactly is technical theatre? Read on to learn more about what goes into making a theatre performance happen.
Costume Design
In order for the time period of the play or musical to feel authentic, the costumes designed for everyone on stage need to be accurate. Although some more contemporary theatre pieces can use vintage clothes that have been sourced from a variety of places, others are made specifically for the performance itself. It’s the job of costume designers to work with the director and producer of the theatre piece to determine what fits their vision, as well as make and source the costumes for the actors. This includes any alterations, should the clothes come from a costume shop or closet.
Without lighting, not only would people in the audience have a hard time seeing what’s going on during the performance, but the entire mood of the play or musical wouldn’t be established. Lighting is designed to illuminate certain performers or parts of the stage, as well as set the overall tone of the performance.
Not every play has music, but some certainly do, and of course, musicals wouldn’t exist without background music for the actors to sing along with. Someone needs to choose the music, decide whether it should be prerecorded or played live and then make sure that it’s used at the appropriate times. This person plays a crucial role in the technical side of theatre.
Set Design
Like lighting, set design also helps set the tone for the entire theatre performance. In some cases, actors interact with the set, while in others, the set simply stays in the background, solid and unmoving. Technical theatre workers who have a background in set design work with the director and producer to come up with a set that meets their needs. Without the setting, the performance wouldn’t come alive like it’s supposed to.
Props are generally defined as anything that the actors handle while on stage. These props play an important role in the performance and make it seem real. Of course, someone needs to choose the props, make sure that they are within the actors’ reach during the performance and that the props remain in good condition throughout the run of the show. This is the job of the prop-master and their assistants. This also falls within the purview of technical theatre, as it takes place off stage and is important to the overall performance.
Think a career in technical theatre is right for you? Take the first step and , today!