Keeping Campus Safe and Secure
Main Phone Line: (508) 541-1888
Emergency Line: (508) 528-9888
Anonymous Tip Line: (508) 541-1704
By October 1 of each year, ÃÛ¶¹ÊÓƵ publishes a campus security, in compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, or Clery Act.
The Clery Act requires institutions to publish an annual report which includes crime statistics for the prior three years, policy statements regarding safety and security measures, including fire safety, a description of campus crime prevention programs, and procedures to be followed in the investigation of allegations of sexual misconduct.
To receive a written copy of this report please call (508) 541-1888.
The mission of the Campus Police and Safety Department is to keep the campus safe and secure. Campus Police and Safety provides a comprehensive program of safety, security, crime prevention, fire safety, medical emergency assistance, property management, parking and related services to help ensure the College maintains a safe and secure environment. We feel campus safety is a part of the educational process and encourage students to make responsible decisions. We welcome suggestions that will enhance our services.
The Campus Police and Safety Department combines both sworn police officers as well as non-sworn campus safety officers to ensure campus safety and security for our students, staff and faculty. They utilize a combination of community building, safety awareness and police presence in order to maintain the continued safety and well-being of our campus community. Campus Safety Officers are authorized to enforce college rules and regulations in order to to serve and protect the Dean community. The college community is encouraged to report crimes and suspicious activity promptly to the Campus Police and Safety Department at 508-541-1888, or Ext 1888, or by e-mail at
Campus Police and Safety is tasked with providing the following services:
The following crime prevention initiatives and services have been designed to heighten student and employee awareness and safety.
Educational programs conducted by Campus Police and Safety may at times be done in conjunction with the Office of Residence Life and the Office of Student Conduct & Community Standards. These programs will be conducted continually throughout the year.
All Resident Directors and Community Advisors receive fire safety and emergency action plan training and are responsible for providing fire safety training to students. Prior to the first fire drill of the year, each Resident Director/Community Advisor conducts a mandatory house meeting for students during which evacuation procedures and fire safety rules are reviewed with new and returning students.
In addition, mandatory, supervised fire drills are conducted for all residence halls and academic buildings twice an academic year.
ÃÛ¶¹ÊÓƵ is dedicated to creating an atmosphere conducive to the well-being of its members. Accordingly, the college has adopted a policy that prohibits the possession or consumption of alcohol except in specified residence halls/houses. The College also adheres to and expects all members of its community to adhere to federal, state and local laws regarding the use of alcohol and drugs.
Any student who consumes alcohol not only accepts responsibility for having violated the alcohol policy but also accepts responsibility for his/her consequent behavior. Being intoxicated will not be accepted as an excuse for erratic, irresponsible, and/or disruptive or harmful behavior either to one’s person, or any other person(s), or to any property.