• The Role of Agents and Talent Managers in the Performing Arts

    When it comes to careers in the performing arts, there’s more to it than just auditioning for jobs onstage and working to put together sets and costumes. There are also people who work with that talent in order to help them find jobs. They are called agents. What do these agents do? And what about talent managers? Read on to learn more.

  • Sports Facilities and Operations Management: Running the Show Behind the Scenes

    Do you love sports, but enjoy them more from the sidelines, rather than being on the field? Do you attend sporting events and wish that you could be the person setting everything up behind the scenes? If so, then a career in sports facilities and operations management may be your best option. Read on to learn more.

  • The Business of Performing Arts: Navigating the Industry and Building a Career

    While there are plenty of people who want to spend their time on stage, acting or singing, or off, putting together sets and costumes, there are others who find themselves on the business side of things. After all, someone needs to plan the performances, come up with funding, and make sure that every performance turns out as planned. How can you get into the business side of theatre? Read on to learn more.

  • Transferring Your Skills: Leveraging Your Experience for a New Career

    Did you know that some of the skills that you’ve acquired in one career can easily transfer into a new field? However, even though these things can help you move from one career field to another, you might need an additional boost in the form of another degree or certificate. How do you go about this? Read on to learn more.

  • Exploring Careers in the Performing Arts: From Stage to Screen

    When you think about a career in the performing arts, actors and actresses most likely come to mind. You see them on stage and realize that you share their dream. You want to work in television, act in movies, and be the lead in on-stage musicals. While this dream is entirely possible, with some luck and skills, there are a number of other careers in the performing arts to consider. Read on to learn more.

  • Uncovering the Past: Dean Volunteers Restore History in Local Cemetery

    Every year around Halloween, Rob Lawson, professor of History, leads a Halloween history tour through Dean and Franklin, sharing stories of the town’s founders, local lore, and of course, a haunting or two. But last year, Robin Bowman, assistant to the dean of the School of Liberal Arts, noticed something even more shocking than a ghost: that the grave markers in the oldest part of the cemetery had fallen into disrepair or were covered with dirt, lichen and hundreds of years of decay. Read on to learn to learn more.

  • Sports Broadcasting Majors Return to Summer Baseball Internships

    While many of our students completed brand new internships this summer, for some, it was a chance to grow their roles and experiences with a familiar organization. Sports Broadcasting majors Brett Chaves ’24 and Reed Becker ’24 both returned to their prior roles at the Brockton Rox and the Cape Cod Baseball League. Read on to learn more.